Apple Hearing Aids – Am I too late to join the Audiology revolution?

Apple Hearing Aids – Am I too late to join the Audiology revolution?

In September 2024, Apple announced they had achieved FDA approval for adding a hearing aid function to their Apple Airpods.

With Apples global influence, market penetration and appeal, does this spell the end of Audiology services as we know them?
Will Hearing Technology Manufacturers decline?

Are you too late to consider bringing in Audiology services?

The simple answer is – Now is the best time to get involved in providing hearing care.

The longer answer

Whilst over the last 15 years the hearing technology market has grown significantly, it has not kept pace with the growth of the number of adults aged over 65. With nearly two-thirds of adults in this age group having a hearing loss, there is a huge untapped potential of people living with hearing loss.

Whilst the conversation around hearing is becoming less stigmatised, there has been a challenge to find messaging that resonates with the public to see them streaming into hearing care in great numbers. Whether that is big marketing campaigns by some of the multiples, or the offering of “Free Hearing Tests” – nothing has quite made the desired impact in encouraging more people into accessing hearing care.

This is particularly true in a UK setting where there is high quality technology, available free to the public through the NHS.

Enter Apple…

The reason I am excited that Apple have finally joined the hearing technology party is that their reach goes far beyond those of any hearing provider or manufacturer. One of the worlds biggest businesses taking hearing seriously, making it acceptable and normal for the public is fantastic news. It means the perceived stigma around hearing loss / using hearing technology will decrease dramatically over the coming months and years.

There are also a couple of other reasons why Apple entering the market makes this the perfect time for you to partner with us at Insight Hearing to add Audiology to your services.

Limited technology

Apple Airpod Pros are good technology, but they are made to be a jack of all trades. A music headphone, an active noise protection device and now a hearing aid. It will provide benefit to many people, but the benefit verses dedicated hearing technology will not be the same. The design, size, shape and battery life are also all considerations that make Airpod Pros a less than ideal solution for an everyday hearing aid.

Clinical expertise

Over the Counter hearing aids, like the AirPod Pros will be, are not new. They have been available in the USA for a couple of years now. The evidence is, the technology is much more likely to be successful with professional intervention from an Audiologist. So whilst technology continues to improve, the human element with a high level of clinical skill and counselling is still vital.

So will Apple entering the Hearing Aid world kill traditional hearing services? No. If anything, it will increase the demand, awareness and encourage more people through, earlier than they would have otherwise!

With Apple joining the Hearing Aid party, now is the perfect time to offer this service to your patients! Find out more about how partnering with Insights will help you achieve this, request a consultation.

Richard Neale

Head of Audiology.